Azerbaijan is the heir of the Azerbaijan People’s Republic (APR) with the trampled conquests of the first Republic - Isa

Baku/28.05.21/Turan: On Republic Day - the national holiday of Azerbaijanis, the country is arguing: Is the modern Republic of Azerbaijan the heir to the Azerbaijan People’s Republic (APR)?

This topic was the main one in the interview of the former head of Musavat party, the head of the National Center for Strategic Thinking, Isa Gambar, in the program “Difficult Question” (“Cetin Sual”).

Gambar believes that Azerbaijan is definitely the heir to the APR. It is another matter that in modern, totalitarian Azerbaijan the democratic gains of the APR have been violated. Since 1993, as a result of the illegal change of government, the values ​​of the first Republic have been forgotten and trampled underfoot.

"But the irreversibility of what happened does not follow from this. The people can return the conquests of the fathers founding the Republic. In 1918-1920, the country was parliamentary, focused on Europe, with free courts and elections. Now the presidential country has written down the goal of European integration, but in reality, the state is run as an appendage of Russia. Elections are rigged," Gambar said.

The formal legal symbols remained in force - the flag, coat of arms and anthem. In fact, the government turned it into an authoritarian country with infringed upon citizens' freedoms. Azerbaijan lags behind world democratic standards, Gambar said.

APR left behind a country with a territory of 113.9 thousand square kilometers. Now Azerbaijan legally, but not practically, owns 86.6 thousand square kilometers. Isa Gambar believes that due to the principle of inviolability of borders established following the Second World War, Azerbaijan cannot claim the entire territorial heritage of the APR. Azerbaijan has the right to the territory of the former AzSSR within the USSR. However, this does not mean that sometime in the future, under favorable geopolitical conditions, our people will not return to their former borders. In past centuries, the Azerbaijani ethnos was dominant in the entire South Caucasus and part of the North Caucasus. Now, our goal should be the eviction of the Armenian aggressor from Karabakh and complete the process of demarcation with Georgia, Armenia and Russia,” Gambar noted.

Referring to the agreement signed by the three heads of countries on November 10, Isa Gambar noted that the fact that Aliyev mentioned Zangezur in his speeches is not aimed at expanding the state to the borders of the APR. The talk is about the implementation of the said agreement, and, as you know, communications through Zangezur will be guarded by Russian border guards.

Returning to history, Gambar stated the significance of the creation of M.E. Rasulzade and his associates of the First Republic. If the APR had not been created in 1918 in the most difficult conditions, the USSR would have included Azerbaijan in its composition in the status of modern Tatarstan and Bashkortostan, and not as a union republic, said Isa Gambar.

He believes that Azerbaijan must return the parliamentary form of government, with free courts and other conquests of the APR. Then the modern Azerbaijan Republic will become a full-fledged political heir to the APR, Gambar added. –0--

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