Is the work  of teachers satisfactory?

Baku/05.10.22/Turan: Today is Teacher's Day. On this day, we will talk about the activities of representatives of this profession and schools. Is the work of teachers satisfactory? Can schools fulfill their educational function?

Professor Shahlar Askerov, expert in the field of education, answered these and other questions in the program "Difficult Question".

According to him, out of about 150,000 people called teachers, only a third love this profession, children, school, and want to see their young people literate. “It is a very delicate profession. Therefore, answering your question, I say - of course, the work of teachers is not satisfactory.

Over the past 30 years, admission to universities (and this is an indicator) has been through testing. The average score of Azerbaijani youth is 300 points (the maximum is 700). And this situation is unchanged, which indicates that we do not have a good education system. Not all teachers are successful. However, there are still good teachers and good schools,” Askerov said.

In his opinion, there are many reasons why most teachers and schools do not meet these criteria. “There are theoretical and practical reasons for this – managerial shortcomings, shortcomings in pedagogical activity.”

According to him, it all started during the transition from one socio-economic formation to another. “It is right that we have moved to a new socio-economic formation. But different spheres made this transition in different ways. During this transition, an incredible number of shortcomings occurred in education. Because the schools had land plots and they could be sold. Schools had additional buildings - they could be rented out. Therefore, all violations of the law that could occur began with education. And those who managed education called it a reform,” the professor emphasized. In his opinion, what is called the reform of the education system is a fiction.

“Is it possible to reform a profession that is over 10,000 years old? No, it is impossible. But, in education, modernization should be periodically carried out. It is necessary to think about improvement from year to year, and not to destroy in order to build something new in the place of the old,” the teacher is convinced.

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Difficult question

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