What Foreign Circles Are Preparing Plans Against Azerbaijan?

On September 23, during the first session of the Milli Majlis (National Assembly) of the VII convocation, President Ilham Aliyev outlined some of the tasks facing the country. Ilham Aliyev stated that foreign circles, unable to digest Azerbaijan's victory in the Second Karabakh War, are preparing new plans. The head of the country also emphasized that ideological subversions against Azerbaijan continue.

The head of state declared that the number one task is to build military power:

“... the processes occurring in the world, new conflicts, the emergence of war hotspots and the increase in tensions around us, as well as revanchist tendencies in Armenia, force us to constantly pay attention to this area.”

The president also touched upon the topic of closing land borders:

“With complete confidence, I can say: the fact that our land borders have remained closed in recent years has saved us from very large catastrophes. Even today, when the borders remain closed, dangerous actions are undertaken and they are being thwarted. Therefore, border protection will protect us from external risks.”

What External Risks Threaten Azerbaijan?

These and other questions are addressed by Isa Gambar, the chairman of the "Musavat" party, on the program “Slozhny Vopros” (“Complex Question”).

According to him, the existing world order is undergoing a profound crisis and is virtually on the verge of disappearance. The world needs a new order. And since this is a global process, it cannot avoid affecting our region (the South Caucasus) and, in particular, Azerbaijan.

In this regard, Gambar noted that due to objective reasons, governments possess more comprehensive information than society. However, he stated that one should not blindly trust the information disseminated by the authorities and that all messages should be approached critically, without falling into nihilism and denying everything said by the authorities.

The expert said that Azerbaijan, having restored its territorial integrity and sovereignty, has entered a new stage of its development. But this does not mean that all problems are solved. Problems exist and need to be responded to adequately.

In his opinion, the main threat to Azerbaijan comes from Russia. But there is also an Iranian threat, since Iran also has claims to influence in the region.

Gambar noted that when the head of state, in his speech, spoke about threats coming from “foreign circles unable to digest Azerbaijan's victory in the Second Karabakh War,” he was referring to the West.

“And here a differentiated approach is necessary. We must correctly assess – what do Western countries want from the region? What are individual Western countries, individual organizations striving for?” Gambar asked.

He is convinced that the main goal of the West is to limit Russia's ability to control the South Caucasus and ultimately to expel it from this region. And this aligns with the interests of both Azerbaijan and the region as a whole.


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