From today began repayment of consumer loans of JSC VTB Bank (Azerbaijan) through payment terminals (kiosks) of MilliON (Pay Point).
As stated in the press release of the bank, commission payments to repay loans are not available. "The new way of repayment of loans will significantly expand its customer service network. Through the terminals MilliON customers at any time of the day or night can pay their debts on loans," the press release quoted the words of the Head of Network Development VTB Bank (Azerbaijan) Togrul Aliyev.
The company Komtec Ltd (trademark MilliON) founded in 2008 is the market leader of electronic payment systems in Azerbaijan. Currently, the shopping and entertainment centers, metro stations, railway stations and supermarkets have been installed more than 1 thousand payment terminals MilliON.
The Central Bank of Azerbaijan in March 2009 issued JSC VTB Bank (Azerbaijan) a banking license. In the structure of the bank's shareholders 51% of the shares belong to JSC VTB Bank, 48.99% - to the group of companies AtaHolding, and 0.01% - to an individual. - 17D-
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