Available entrants State University of Information Technologies

Candidates, who have successfully tried his luck in the first group of specialties, expanded the range of educational opportunities. This time at their disposal is the State University of Information Technologies, created by presidential decree Feb. 1, 2013.

The university acts at AZ1008, Baku, Akhmedbek Agaogly Street, 11 (near the metro station Genjlik), suitable for 4 years of study to obtain a bachelor's degree. Specialties include: information security, computer science, computer engineering, engineer, information technology and systems. Starting next school year, the list will be expanded.

The first year will be devoted to intensive English language course in the building of the Diplomatic Academy (also not far from the subway station Genjlik). Documents from applicants will be accepted there.

Preference is given to those who scored high scores on admission. Those on whose "balance" 600 points or more will receive a laptop and apprenticeships in the associations and enterprises of Ministry of Communications to further subsidized employment. They are waiting for incentive grants, participation in the "summer schools" and other distinctive designs.

In addition, the Ministry of Education ensures honors government support for admission to graduate from foreign universities. - 17D-


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