Baku / 27.12.19 / Turan: AZAL announced the opening of the sky of Azerbaijan for all interested airlines.
Thus, from January 1, the fifth and seventh degree airspace regime will begin to operate in Azerbaijan. Without any restrictions, air carriers will be able to deliver passengers from Baku to 40 countries: France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Spain, Greece, Czech Republic, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia , Finland, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia, Ireland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Bulgaria, Georgia, USA, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, South Korea, Malaysia and Australia. The company noted that the list of states could be expanded in the future.
AZAL explained that according to the fifth degree of freedom, foreign airlines can operate flights from their airport to other cities with a stop in Baku (or any other airport in Azerbaijan) for boarding / disembarking passengers.
As an example, the message noted that European carriers will be able to perform a Paris-Tokyo flight with a stop in Baku (or another airport in the country). Or Japanese airlines can fly to EU countries with landing at one of the international airports in Azerbaijan.
The seventh degree of freedom gives the carrier the opportunity to fly between Azerbaijan and foreign countries, bypassing the intermediate landing at the home airport.
It should be noted that earlier permission to operate such flights in Azerbaijan was issued to airlines individually. Under the new conditions, all foreign airlines that want to operate flights to Azerbaijan and beyond will receive the same rights as the national air carrier.
“This will increase the interest of foreign airlines in flights to Azerbaijan, open new markets for them, and also allow them to significantly increase their passenger flow and increase attractiveness for tourists,” the company said.
AZAL believes that the arrival of foreign airlines will also create more travel opportunities for citizens of Azerbaijan, and they will have a large selection of direct flights to countries near and far abroad.
A notification will be sent to the aviation authorities of these countries.
AZAL also announced discounts offered to new airlines that wish to start flying to Azerbaijan.
According to it, any new airline that wants to start flights to Azerbaijan will receive a 100% discount on services at the country's airports. In the second year of operation, the discount will be 70%, in the third - 50%, and in the fourth - 30%. Subject to an increase in the number of flights and passenger traffic, the extension of the period of application and the level of discounts is provided. –71D-
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