Baku/02.10.13/Turan : Azerbaijan is a social state . This was on October 1 said by President Ilham Aliyev at the opening of the new building of homes for veterans of war and work in the city of Baku, which then gave the definition of the welfare state : a state that has given great attention to the social sphere , the center of which stands a citizen of the policy .
During the election campaign , some candidates for president , speaking in a televised debate on the platform, make promises about the creation of the welfare state and the restoration of social justice. Statement by the President can be called a kind of response to their rivals .
The Constitution of Azerbaijan has no direct idea that the state is social. The second section of the Basic Law, Article 7 (Azerbaijan state ) noted that the Azerbaijani government - democratic , legal, secular and unitary republic . In Article 16 states: The Azerbaijani state cares about improving the welfare of the people and every citizen, their social protection and decent standard of living . But in the program of the ruling party "Yeni Azerbaijan" , which is chaired by the current President , clearly states that one of its purposes is "the idea of ??the creation of the welfare state " ( social justice ) .
Economists partly agree with President Ilham Aliyev. The former head of the financial-credit and economic department of the Cabinet of Ministers Oktay Haqverdiev believes that the state has assumed a certain social burden of society , solving them with funding from the state budget. This issue of poor social assistance , social security, certain groups of the population ( displaced persons , war veterans , the disabled , etc.). But talk about social justice is premature. In addition, the proportion of funding for social needs is inferior investment allocations from the state budget.
According to the expert of the National Budget Group Kenan Aslanly , Azerbaijan corresponds more to the State of social welfare rather than the welfare state.
In 2013, budget expenditures on social services reduced compared to the previous year by 2.2 % strength point is 4,298 million or 21.7 % of budget expenditures. In absolute terms, the social costs of the state budget grew by only 83.6 million manat. The spending on health care rose by 0.5 % (3.6 bn) , education - 1.2% ( 18.9 million manat) , social protection -1.5% ( 27.9 million manat) .
In international encyclopedias are given the following definition of the welfare state and the welfare state:
The welfare state - the political system and redistribute wealth in accordance with the principle of social justice for the sake of every citizen a decent standard of living, social smoothing differences and help those in need.
The state of well-being or " welfare state benefit" is a concept that denotes a set of social institutions in Western countries to provide all members of the community social rights by redistributing income. 08B
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