Azerbaijan acceded to the amendments to the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters

The Minister of Taxes Fazil Mammadov signed last Friday the Paris Protocol of Accession to the changes in the Convention OECD « On Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters." On behalf of the OECD document was signed by Secretary General Angel Guerra, Turan was told in the Ministry of Taxes.

"Azerbaijan's accession to the protocol is an important event, and a great merit in this belongs to the will of the political leadership of the country. It is a measure of transparency of the tax system of Azerbaijan," said the representative of the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) meeting with the Minister of Taxes. Currently, the Ministry of Taxes and OECD work on the draft agreement on cooperation.

During the meeting with the Secretary of State responsible for the budget of France, Christian Ecker, the head of the tax department said that Azerbaijan will sign a protocol on amendments to the Strasbourg Convention on the exchange of banking information.

The Convention "On Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters" was opened for signature by member States of the Council of Europe and the countries - members of the OECD, in Strasbourg, on 25 January 1988. Azerbaijan signed the document in 2003.

The Convention provides an opportunity to provide tax authorities with active administrative aid based on common principles and with respect for the fundamental rights of taxpayers in all mandatory taxes except for customs duties.

Any state wishing to accede to the Convention may choose the amount of its liabilities, using a detailed system clearly defined in the text of reservations. It may limit its participation to certain forms of mutual aid or certain types of taxes that fall under this assistance.

Active mutual aid aims to promote the fight against tax evasion. At the same time, it provides safeguards to protect taxpayers - both individuals and legal entities - and the national economy. Contracting Parties may refuse to provide information if they open a commercial, industrial or professional secret. - 08D-

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