Azercell Switches to Green Mode

The local mobile operator Azercell Telecom prefers to work on the basis of economically profitable and environmentally friendly plants fueled by inexhaustible solar energy.

As stated in the press release, this approach turns into the standard operating mode of the leading mobile operator of Azerbaijan, which pays special attention to environmental issues. At failures of supply, radio base stations continue to function on the basis of fuel generators. In this case, a certain amount of carbon dioxide is released into the air.

At the same time Azercell Telecom is planning a gradual transition to the most friendly ways of working. For this reason, currently Azercell, in partnership with Northern Automation, is working on a project to introduce hybrid batteries. This kind of battery charges faster than the previous ones and reaches full volume in 2.5 hours. This in turn prevents triggering devices in incomplete format and provides longer life. In addition, lithium batteries are also resistant to high temperatures. While conventional batteries will operate at a maximum of 25 degrees of heat, the new ones will function normally at 45 degrees C and do not require space. It also allows you to use a smaller generator and reduces fuel consumption.

Azercell has already purchased two similar batteries of a new generation that in a test mode have been set in different parts of the country. At present, such batteries are used in the village Guzdek and Agusya, Jalilabad. Besides, Azercell has also established two new stations that are powered only by solar energy, ie, do not use electricity. These stations are established in cooperation with Huawei and work during the day only by solar energy. In normal operation within one month one generator works 200 hours and consumes more than 500 liters of fuel. And at the stations working on solar energy, within 6 months the generator works only 30 hours and uses 75 liters of fuel.

Using the most advanced equipment to date, Azercell has 4,932 base stations 2G / 3G / 4G and 1,464 transport networks and their number continues to grow. Only in August this year, the company installed 60 new radio base stations.

Thus, increasing the number of green stations, Azercell continues its efforts to reduce the damage caused to the environment and encourages everyone to join such initiatives, the press release says.

LLC Azercell Telecom founded in 1996 maintains a leading position in the local mobile market by introducing at the same time a number of innovative technologies and concepts, such as the GSM technology, the system of pre-paid mobile services, GPRS / EDGE (mobile Internet), 24 / 7 Call Center, office concept Azercell Express, mobile e-service Asan Imza and others.

The company's network, which is 51% of the mobile market in the country, covers 99.8% of the population. The number of subscribers by the end of 2013 was 4.5 million people. In 2011 the company launched a network of 3G, and in 2012 - the network of the fourth generation LTE.

The company is the leader in the mobile industry of Azerbaijan and is the largest investor in the non-oil sector. --17D-

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