The local mobile operator Azercell Telecom, since the inception providing special attention to children, invests in their well-being, while continuing social projects in this direction.
As stated in the press release of the operator, with the support and initiative of the youth organization Umidli Gelecek (Hopeful Future) a service bureau Children's Hotline has been launched in Ganja. Its main aim is to provide emergency psychological and legal assistance and emotional support for each child who is in a difficult situation, providing the right advice, and if necessary - referral to appropriate rehabilitation centers, as well as the organization and provision of immediate assistance.
Services of Children's Hotline in Azerbaijan (created by Azercell Telecom in 2010) are used by children from public child institutions and "street kids" subjected to exploitation and abuse and faced with psychological and emotional problems, subjected to ill-treatment, children with physical and mental abilities, as well as children of refugees and internally displaced persons. Even adults can turn for advice on issues related to children.
The undeniable advantage of the "hot line" is to ensure anonymity of the children addressed, which creates an opportunity for a frank conversation with them. Calls to Children's Hotline from both urban and network numbers of Azercell are free.
For four years Azerbaijan Children's Hotline on various issues received more than 11,000 phone calls from children, young people and adults from many cities and regions of our country. The number of calls to the hotline service increases quarterly. The reason for this is the confidence of this service, positive experience transmitted to other children, as well as campaigns to raise awareness in Baku and other cities and regions. Since 2010, Azerbaijani Children's Hotline has been a full member of the Global Network of International Children's Hotline. This network includes 178 hotline children's services from 143 countries. According to the report of the International Children's Hotline, the number of calls to these services increases 5% annually. --17D-
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