Draft of Compulsory Unemployment Insurance

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Azerbaijan has prepared a bill to create a system of compulsory insurance against unemployment.

Innovation provides the legal, economic and organizational basis for this segment for the citizens in whose name the deducted funds to the State Social Insurance Fund (SSPF) in the framework of compulsory insurance.

This system, the provisions of which have already arrived in the offices of the government for discussion, will be radically different from that which applies in the case of calculation of unemployment benefits. Insurance will allow those who are left, for whatever reason, without work, receive insurance payments for a certain period of time approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the amounts that had previously been listed in the state fund.

At this time, there is a process of consultation with the relevant agencies. According to the law "On employment" unemployed status is issued in the regional centers of employment - if there is a registered citizen in ten days will not receive a job offer, he officially granted the status with the appointment of benefits.

Size of the unemployment benefit is determined by a number of criteria with the achievement of 70% of the salary received by an average of the last job. --17D-

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