Facebook has a strong lead in 2013

Among the most popular social networks in Azerbaijan, Facebook is the undisputed leader in 2013, but in January it yielded the position significantly amid the rising popularity of Twitter and YouTube. A year ago, the leader had the trust of 89.3%, as of January 11 - 66.21%, and as of January 18 - 65.85%. In Twitter (second position), this ratio is as follows: a year ago - 3.11%, a week ago - 13.86%, today - 13.21%.

Most rose to the level of trust YouTube - from 4.56 at the beginning of last year to 12.12% in the last and 12.53% this week against the effects of video total corruption and political chaos in the country.

At the fourth and fifth places are Classmates with small increase in the popularity (2.97%) and In Contact with 2.69% confidence.

In the world the highest level (2.35% for the week) of confidence belonged to the social network Facebook - 64.77%. In the second place since July last year with 12.69% has been Pinterest, allowing users to add online images and place them in thematic collections, and then share them with other users. Images uploaded to the service are called pins, hence the name.

In the third place there is Twitter - 6.91%, followed by StumbleUpon - 6.46% and YouTube with 4.59%. - 17D-


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