FAO to Support Creation of Large Farms

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations with the assistance of the Ministry of Agriculture is working on the consolidation of small share of agricultural land.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the project consists of three components. It is envisaged to analyze and improve land legislation. In the second phase a national strategy will be developed for the consolidation of small agricultural producers. Already at the third and final stage will be a pilot project for the consolidation of agricultural land.

Land reform in Azerbaijan was carried out in 1995-1996, which resulted in the land ownership by more than 830 thousand families. Experts note that the process of creating farms in Azerbaijan has been slow, which leads to low productivity, increased the degree of poverty in rural areas.

In December 2015 the Parliament adopted in first reading the draft law On Agricultural Cooperation. The document provides for the adoption of incentives for the creation of cooperatives for agricultural production, storage, processing, lending, etc.

Since 2011, the Government also carries out a complex of measures on creation of private farms with the use of public lands. ----08D

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