In 2015, persons having permission from the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources used 565.6 from 677.9 tons of quotas on fishing. Compared to 2014 quotas on the fish decreased by 35.8%. In 2015, permission to fishing received 156 legal entities and individuals, by 35% less than in the previous year.
They have officially been caught sprats - 138 tonnes (in 2014 - 195.5 tons), herring - 118 tons (349.2 tons), as well as kutum - 116 tons, mullet - 78 tons, etc. To obtain permission 26.700manat were paid to the special Fund of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources. According to the minimum consumer basket (approved on June 16, 2014), in Azerbaijan minimum needs of the rate of consumption of fish and fish products per capita is 7.7 kg per year; fish consumption a year should reach 74,000 tons. --08B--
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