General plan of Nakhchivan Economic Region is prepared

General plan of Nakhchivan Economic Region is prepared

The Baku state design institute will draw up a general plan for the Nakhchivan Economic Region (NER) within 60 days. The institute received an appropriate order from the "Center for Territorial Construction and Planning" under the State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture.

The agreement was signed by the single source method between the parties on December 5. The institute will be paid 1 million 675.600 manats ($985.600) for the development of this document.

Prior to that, the general plans for the Aran, Mountain-Shirvan, Ganja-Gazakh, Sheki-Zagatala, Guba-Khachmas economic regions, as well as the territories liberated from occupation, were drawn up and approved .

With that said, the general plans are prepared at the level of the territory and territorial units, regions and regional territorial units.

The general plans provide for prospective planning of the cities and transport routes connecting them, roadside or coastal territories - axes of development, improvement and changes in the functional purpose of territories, places for engineering and communication lines, as well as the territories not covered by the settlement system (forests, agricultural lands, mining territories), specially protected natural territories and etc.). -08B-


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