Golden Crown Stepped to 21 More Districts

The national postal operator LLC Azerpoct expanded services of money transfers within the "Golden Crown."

As said in the message (, postal service branches became available in 21 more districts of the country, including in Shirvan , Yardymly, Lerik , Masalli, Jalilabad, Bilasuvar , Salyan , Sabirabad , Neftchala , Hajigabul , Goychay , Zardab , Kurdamir , Agdash , Gabala, Ismayilli , Ujar , Yevlakh , Agdam , Tartar, Barda, Mingachevir, Agjebedi , Sheki, Zagatala, Gakh , Oguz, Balakan , Shamakhi, Gobustan, Lankaran, Astara and Aghsu. Until today, the service has been available in the post offices of Baku, Sumgait and Absheron peninsula.

Within the capital city also possible are money transfer services in the Caspian Money Transfer, but Western Union, Contact and Migom are popular in the regions too. In the near future the postal operator network will start providing the service of money transfer system Coinstar.

Recall that the first post office in Azerbaijan opened in the city of Ganja in 1818. The Production Association Azerpoct was founded September 29, 1999. In April 2010, the Central Bank of Azerbaijan gave it a limited license (without the right of financing) on the provision of banking and financial services.

Today, it brings together 74 branches and nodes, 144 postal agencies and 1,513 post offices. - 17D-


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