In Nakhchivan no unemployed

Baku/04.02.14/Turan : The Nakhchivan autonomy exclave , separated from the main territory of Azerbaijan , according to official statistics , is the only kind of " oasis " where there is no unemployment .

According to the State Statistics Committee of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic , 2008, all able-bodied population is employed and there is no unemployment . By the beginning of 2013 , all 221 thousand able-bodied residents of autonomy worked. Thus , the unemployment rate is at zero . Therefore , NAR is the only region in Azerbaijan , where there are no persons who have registered as unemployed and receive unemployment benefits . In the third quarter of 2013 in Azerbaijan on the methodology of the International Labour Organization there were 238 thousand unemployed of which by the beginning of this year, the appropriate status had been granted to 36.2 thousand.

Official statistics autonomy states that from 1st October 2003 to 1st January 2014 , there were discovered 59,369 new jobs, of which 42.9 million ( 72.2 %) are constants. Only in 2013 there were opened 2,260 new jobs.

According to NAR State Statistics, from 2010 to 2012 the number of workers employed in Nakhchivan increased by 7,354 people and reached 92,736 people. In addition, over 18,000 people are engaged in entrepreneurial activity without creating a legal entity.

Officially residing in the NAR by the 1st of January this year were 435,367 people.

Chairman of the NAR Department of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan Yashar Bagyrsoy told Turan that official bodies release data on employment and population that do not correspond to reality. " In the autonomy today live no more than 220 thousand people. People are forced to leave their homes because of unemployment and look for a job in Turkey, Iran , Russia and Baku. Information on the opening of many thousands of new jobs can cause laughter at any resident of Nakhchivan. In the autonomy only the business of the ruling elite thrived in the recent years," said the opposition leader .

Another place in the world where there is no unemployment is considered to be the offshore Republic of Cyprus. But even there the total number of unemployed ranges from a couple of tens of thousands of people at 850 thousand population. - 08B-


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