Insurance company Ipek Yolu Sigorta in the past year alone, paid income taxes of 716.11 thousand manats, which is one of the highest around the local market.
Total revenues of the financial structure for the last year amounted to 14 million 305.79 thousand manats. Of the funds received 8.4 million manat fell directly on the collection of premiums for all types of insurance, income from reinsurance - 1.85 million, increased insurance reserves - 1.62 million manat, investment income - 952.35 thousand manats and so on. This is the result of last year's audit of the company.
Net income of the financial institution in the last year was 2 million 864.46 thousand manats, which is almost all aimed at increasing the share capital - they told Turan in the company.
The company's expenses for the year 2012 amounted to 10 million 725.22 thousand manats. Insurance payments last year amounted to 1 million 953.23 thousand manats, return of premium - 235.68 thousand manats, to conduct insurance business in the aggregate 82.91 spent 1 million manats. Costs of risks transferred to reinsurance, totaled 7.45 million manat, there are other, non-essential spending.
Last year, the company's assets decreased by 32.8% to AZN 21 million 68.73 thsd, the liabilities - more than 3 times (AZN 5,561,050), shareholders' equity increased by 15% (15.51 million manat).
The company Azal Sigorta was established in 1995, and as Ipek Yolu Sigorta it has operates on the local market since the second half of 2011.
It carries 15 types of insurance and thus specialized in air transport insurance.
The authorized capital of the company at the end of March last year amounted to 12 million 092.5 thousand manats.
Its shareholders are private local airline Silk Avia (66,68% of the shares), a closed joint stock company AzAL (12,16%) and the two daughters of the president of this organization Jahangir Askerov, each of which owns 10.58% of the shares. - 17D-
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