Insurers are increasingly paying customers

In the first quarter of all types of insurance companies had made payments of $ 25 million 398.29 million manats, which is 34.5% more than last year. Growth, particularly in the segment of payments due to mandatory civil liability of vehicle owners - 4.99 million manats (as of April 1 last year for CTP was paid more than 50 times less - 80.04 thsd manats). 

In insurance cases voluntary items produced 17 million 878.58 thousand manats of payments. The greatest amount of compensation was in VHI - 9.6 million manats and hull insurance of motor vehicles - 5.74 million manats, voluntary life insurance paid 801.68 thsd manats, travel insurance - 63.02 thsd manats. 

For accident insurance it was paid 234.96 thsd manat, for property insurance against fire and other risks - 1.28 million manat, cargo insurance - 5.78 thsd AZN and for voluntary insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners - 34.84 thousand manats. 

According to general liability insurance, it was paid 102.26 thsd manats, employers' liability insurance - 15.71 thsd manat. The death or deaths of livestock, as well as on the facts of crop offset the overall 64.36 thsd manats. 

Mandatory insurance generally paid on contracts 7.52 mln of compensation. In particular, mandatory military insurance paid 1.68 million manats, compulsory state insurance court officials and law enforcement agencies - 192.16 thsd manats, and old CTP - 8,059 manats. 

By types, included in the list of the new tariff, the situation is like this: the compulsory insurance of civil liability of owners of vehicles (new CTP) paid 4.99 million manats and on compulsory insurance of property - 365.33 thousand manats. - 17D- 


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