"Islamic banking" for TuranBank

JSC TuranBank intends to open the "Islamic banking" to the beginning of 2015.

According to the information of the bank (http://www.turanbank.az/?/ru/news/view/413), confirmed the intention of the 38 th annual meeting of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB group) 18-22 May in the capital of Tajikistan Dushanbe.

At the annual meeting of the program was part of a business forum, as well as plenary sessions, workshops and seminars, business presentations, workshops, performances by local government officials and the general meeting of shareholders.

In the event an employee TuranBank held a series of productive meetings with both investors and delegates of various financial institutions and discussed the prospects of cooperation.

Starting productive discussions with the IDB in 2006, the year, TuranBank in the 2008th year received a credit line for financing small and medium enterprises based on Islamic criteria in the amount of $ 1 million for a term of 6 years and 1 year grace period. At the moment, the total delivery of financial lines between TuranBank and the IDB makes $ 8.8 million

As previously reported, now in Azerbaijan a window Islamic Banking exists in the International Bank of Azerbaijan (IBA).

TuranBank started work in June 1992. Its founders are 22 individuals (80.59%) and 5 legal entities (19.41%). The authorized capital is 30 million 614 manats. - 17D-


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