JSC Euro- Asian Housing Corporation Evrascon is the first of more than 50 thousand of businesses and other taxpayers. The corporation employs 5,541 people.
As Turan was told in the Ministry of Taxes, more than 1 000 employees are registered in 41 companies.
The airline Silk Way has 4,482 working people. This holding includes more than 20 companies. JSC AZENCO (4,000 people) and LLC Sumgait Technologies Park (3,982) belonging to it share the 3rd and 4th places in the number of employees. The top five is completed by BP Exploration (Caspian Sea) Limited - 3,309 employees.
The next companies are Industrial - Construction Investment Corporation Accord (3,300), LLC Azpetrol ltd - 2,977, Ltd. Embawood - 2,003, LLC Veyseloglu - 2,051, LLC Baku Steel Company - 1,861, LLC AzVirt - 1,548, JSC SOCAR Petroleum - 1,421 people, etc.
The largest in the number of open jobs among individuals is Valeed Imanov , who works in the restaurant business .
JSC Capital Bank is the leader among financial institutions in the country in the number of workers, with 1,905 people employed. The second and third places in the banking sector on the number of employees belong to Accessbank (1,887) and Unibank (1,703). And the largest bank in the country, IBA, goes after them with a team of 1,510 people.
Three mobile phone operators of Azerbaijan are also top employers. In LLC Azercell Telecom, Bakcell and Azerfon work respectively 816, 806 and 626 people.
Note that 756 companies have 100 and more employees. In about 50,000 subjects there are at least 2 people. They also include trade unions, political parties, municipalities, NGOs, etc. Approximately 20,000 employers are natural persons engaged in business without creating a legal entity. - 08B -
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