JSC Synergy Group Sits Does Business in Shamkir Region

The holding company JSC Synergy Group established an investment company LLC Shamkir Capital Group in Shamkiir, in which it originally invested 200 thousand manat.

The Supervisory Board of the new company consists of the same parties that form the Supervisory Board of the parent company: Deyaten Guliyev, Agasamed Efendiev and Fakhriyar Jabbarov.

Prior to that Synergy Group JSC founded several commercial structures in Shamkir, including Excelsior Hotel Shamkir, AzAgro, Zeyem Tekhnologiyalar Parki, and Shamkir Agropark.

Synergy Group (99% owned by Ashraf Kamilov) is one of the fastest growing holdings in Azerbaijan. This year it will mark the fifth anniversary. In a short time the number of its companies has exceeded 30. The capital of the company reached 50 million manat, while the losses were 33 million manat. The assets rose to 136 million manat as of December 31, 2013. Recently, the group purchased Kovsar Bank JSC. ---08B

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