Lack of specialists in the "Union of Free Consumers" weakens its position in society

PVC Packaging for food (thin yellowish film that are used primarily in the fast-food) are dangerous to health and life.

According to the chairman of the public association "Energy and Environment" Vagif Aliyev, the ban was imposed in the form of EU Directive of 30 March

 (Http:// Istanbul Technical University in 2000 issued it by the relevant expertise. The danger of such packages is visible to the naked eye - rich oils DOP and DOA, which emit a foul odor and impregnated food products offered to consumers.

However, health and quarantine inspection of Ministry of Health and the State Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Patents are granted a patent for packages with health certificate (№ AZ031RSK7999) and the certificate of conformity (№ 006717).

While in other countries, food is given mark of the origin on packaging and relevance to health and safety standards, which in Azerbaijan is not done, - said the expert from the research institute. According to him, harmful packaging of PVC, but is colorless polyethylene film (PE), which are not hazardous to health.

According to chairman of the association "Union of Free Consumers" (MSP) Eyyub Huseynov corresponding letters demanding a ban on the production and sale of PVC packaging for food products sent on January 7 in the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Health and the State Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Patents.

He has repeatedly held that the issue of food security has long worried about the organization, but the absence of specialists does not allow wide touch-sensitive.

Indeed, weak human capacity MSP absence of lawyers do not allow self assessment and quality even participate in the mediation - experts organizations participate in the resolution of conflicts between the consumer and the seller (as practice) as a biased witness, and their task is reduced to a complaint to the government and state institutions.

According to classical concepts, the mediator helps (!) Parties to work out a certain agreement on the dispute, and the parties to fully control the process of making a decision to settle the dispute and the terms of its authorization.

The mediator is focused on clear agreement between the parties to the dispute on how they will address specific questions focused on how people would like to see the future. He controls the process, but does not seek to influence the members openly or result.

Unfortunately, the conclusions of mediators of this organization can not be used by consumers in the courts as evidence that showed the specific case with the reporter for Turan. On the contrary, the testimony of a mediator are so obvious that the interest of the consumer at a disadvantage. - 17D-



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