Monitoring activities by the government

The government should be accountable to the public.

With the financial support of the Agency for International Development USAID (United States) and organizational support of the local unit Transparency International will be held monitoring the performance of "National Action Plan for the promotion of open government in the years 2012-15," signed by the Head of State on September 5 last year.

The monitoring is the responsibility of the coalition of non-governmental organizations specializing in the economic development of the country. With the assistance of foreign experts developed the technique and methodology of the assessment.

The Center for Economic Research (CER) under the leadership of its founder Gubad Ibadoglu held the first seminar with the participation of heads of NGOs. According to head of Transparency Azerbaijan Rena Safaraliyeva, the process will last for 4 years, each year will be open to the public, including international, the results of the government (mainly in the mining industry).

According to experts, the foundation must be laid down requests for information, as a result of the responses to which it will be possible to make representation and the level of law enforcement for information. Time will tell if the local government will pass this exam. - 17D-


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