MoT is increasing investment appetite

The Ministry of Transport intends to launch the construction of the suspended road bridge over the Baku Bay at the initial value of $ 1.5-1.8 billion.

Today at the 2nd Caspian International Conference "Road and underground infrastructure - solutions to the problems of urbanization" reporters were told by the Ministry of Transport Sector Head Heydar Turabov that the length of the object is 26 km, 17 km of which will be held over the sea and connect the northern and southern parts of the city, bypassing the center. This, he said, should remove the traffic load from the central part of the capital.

This is not only costly and "unfinished" project of the ministry. According to the head of the analytical department of JSC Azeryolservis, Hidayat Rustamov, on the agenda is the construction of an underground tunnel through the sea that will consume more resources than the bridge over the sea.

The Transport Ministry is the leader in "eating investment" in transport infrastructure.

Total investments in the transport sector of Azerbaijan in the last five years amounted to $ 14.5 billion.

During this period, the improvement of roads was invested $ 11 billion 840 million, including $ 2 billion 375 million in 2014.

Since 2005, the share of investment spending in the state budget is about 40%. Neither the Accounting Chamber, nor the Ministry of Finance gives the public a report on the focus of the public spending. -17D-

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