Nakhchivan Could Not Long Keep Inflation by Administrative Methods

For 3 days the prices for food products are rising in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (NAR). In the exclave after the December devaluation the local government has kept prices from increasing in an attempt to fight off inflation. But it seems the administrative resources were not enough.

As Turan was told in Nakhchivan, the prices of many imported foodstuffs are soaring. For example, whereas earlier a 230-gram pack of butter cost 2.30 AZN, now it is sold for AZN 3.

"Two waves of devaluation of the manat brought Nakhchivan a certain rise in prices. In fairness it should be noted that inflation was much lower there than in other regions of Azerbaijan. But the data led by the State Statistics Committee cannot be agreed with," an opposition-minded resident of Nakhchivan, whose name was not disclosed for security reasons, told Turan.

According to the SSC of Azerbaijan, in January compared with January 2015, consumer prices in the NAR rose by an average of 4.5%, and food products – by 1.6%. In Baku, for example, during this period, consumer prices rose by 13.2% and foodstuffs – by 21.4%, in Ganja – by 15.9% and 24%, in Sumgait – by 11.9% and 16.6%, and in Masalli – by 22.5% and 29.7% respectively.    -------08

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