Updated and expanded is the list of television and radio broadcast (http://www.azercosmos.az/home/azerspace-1-satellite-television-and-radio-channels-list) of the first national communications satellite Azerspace - 1. The frequency for the new "guests" is 11094 MHs, and the horizontal polarization is S/R-27500 Mb/sve11135MHs. Basically, the broadcasting is in Azeri and Persian languages, but the order is on "linguistic diversity".
This is made possible by the production association Teleradio by updating the received equipment. In addition, after some time, the operator of the satellite broadcasting Azercosmos will provide not only foreign, but also regional channels, and is ready to conclude agreements with them.
Regional television channels should be able to do satellite broadcasting, with Azercosmos, ready to provide them with the necessary technical support. Four 4 regional television channels have already appealed for maintenance of their broadcasts via satellite and they were provided information on the technical and commercial terms and conditions of such programs.
Tariffs for broadcasting will be determined on the basis of market conditions: the state does not regulate the rates for services of Azercosmos. - 17D-
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