NFES issued 1.3 billion manat in concession loans in 22 years

The total amount of concession loans to entrepreneurs in Azerbaijan through the National Fund for Entrepreneurship Support (NFES) is about 1.3 billion manat.

According to the fund for the period activities NFES entrepreneurs in Azerbaijan issued preferential loans worth a total of 1,298,241,151 manats. Concession loans were issued to 21,121 entrepreneurs.

NFES was established in 1992. Agents fund for loans are 44 banks and non-bank credit organizations.

In the past, the Fund disbursed loans totaling 275 million manat. In 2014 the volume of concession lending to entrepreneurs from the Fund is 280 million manats.

The main part of the loans is granted to agriculture. In January - April this year, the share of agriculture amounted to 4.37% of the gross domestic product of Azerbaijan. - 17D-

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