Non-profitability of insurance companies is tied to membership in the Bureau of compulsory insurance
Unprofitability of insurance companies today depend on their attachment to the Bureau of compulsory insurance. This definition has become f a comprehensive after the adoption of the new law "On mandatory types of insurance."
When people talk about the losses of "Pasha Sigorta" (29.43 premium with 13.37 million manta payment), AzSigorta (ratio 21.46 to 4 million), Pasha Hayat Sigorta (16,17 million to 445 million) , Ipek Yolu Sigorta (7,54 million to 54.45 million manat) over six months, it is one thing, but when it comes to those who are not allowed in the office, sometimes wrongfully claiming lack of proper capitalization and violations of the rules of behavior, it is another matter. So, the talk is about unequal conditions.
Thus, Baki Sigorta collected by July 1, 2.76 million with payments 2.51 million manat, with A-Qroup ratio of 3.53 to 3.06 million manta, in Bashak Inam Sigorta - 2,03 million to 696 manats, in Alfa Sigorta - 1,95 million to 692 million manat. This is middling insurance market, some of which are ready to submit the documents for participation in the Bureau.
However, there are those who even before the last year collected for the annual "equator" under 2 million manat, and now are barely managed with 300-400 thousand.
Perhaps "force methods" of the Finance Ministry are required for weak players, but not at the expense of their notorious weakening. In addition, there are more weaker members in the Bureau of compulsory insurance, than the same Qarant Sigorta or international insurance company that filed documents are not the best in terms of the conditions of times, but did not pass "the competition."
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