Active loan portfolio of non-bank credit organizations, LLC "Finca Azerbaijan" increased during the four months of this year to $ 13.78 million, or 8.6% to $ 165.74 million. In the structure of the portfolio, microcredit totaled 99.5%.
Assets of the company increased by $ 12.06 million, or 7.2%, reaching on May 1, 2013, the level of $ 178.93 million. Total number of customers of the company increased during the reporting period by 3.7% to 141.86 thousand persons.
The share of problem loans in the total loan portfolio, compared with the beginning of the year has decreased by 0.05 percentage points to 0.14%, and micro-credit - by 0.02 percentage points to 0.13%.
Total activity the company has issued loans totaling $ 709.69 million, including micro-credit - for $ 707.178 million.
"Finca Azerbaijan" was established in 1998. It is part of an international network of microfinance company "Finca International". The company provides loans for a period from three to 36 months. The loan amount varies from $ 50 - $ 50,000. The interest rate on the loans varies in the range of 36-45,6%. --15B--
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