In June of this year, the National Depository Centre registered on the OTC market 26 transactions on purchase and sale of investment securities, the total size of which amounted to 51,658,216 manats. This is the highest one on this platform, possibly, during the entire existence of the securities market in Azerbaijan.
The bulk of transactions, according to the BSE, accounted for financial companies. It's basically 75% of the shares of Bank Technique (more than 48 million manat). BSE on the basis of data received from the depositories, recorded in June deals with 597.4 thousand securities for a total contractual value of 49 mln 760.2 thousand manats. The share of industrial companies accounted for 445,229 units of shares (890,458 manat), etc. spheres of activity - 103,210 units (304,420 manat).
In Azerbaijan, information about the details of transactions made outside the stock exchange, as well as insider trading, despite the existence of the appropriate legislation, is not made public. BSE, which is charged with this duty, does not provide the data on its corporate website. The State Securities Committee does not actually control these processes. - 08D-
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