Popularity of Facebook grows again, now due to the National Council

Among the most popular social networking site  in Azerbaijan Facebook is the leader again at the end of the second decade of April. The positions were somewhat lost, but against the background of the National Council  its popularity has increased again - a year ago, 71.32% trusted the leader, by 1 January - 68.94%,  by May 1 - 66.41%,  and by July 15 - 68.4%.

The rust to the network YouTube has lessened from 16.96% to 12.35 on May 1 this week. This social media's position is quite firm on the second line. A record for  it in Azerbaijan was in October 2012 - 22.82%,  popularity of videos  on kidnapping the MNS officers, rampant corruption and tangible political "auto-pilot" in the country.

The popularity of Twitter is as follows: a year ago - 2.15% by the beginning of the year - 12.62%, by  May 1 - 11.96%, July 15 - 9%. On the fourth and fifth places, "Odnoklassniki" with  constant and even slightly overgrown audience (5.05%), and "In contact" with 2.17% (per annum + 0.9%) confidence.

The world's highest level of confidence (Month + 4.74%)  in the social network Facebook  is 70,01%. Onthe second place from July last year is Pinterest 9.02%, which allows users to add an online image and place them in a thematic collection, then share them with other users. Twitter moved three places up from 6.65% in popularity. YouTube network dropped to  the 5th place with 4.23% of users.

Twitter (5,87%) also lost the third place, and is  behind the StumbleUpon -7,61%.

In Azerbaijan, StumbleUpon (from the English. "Stumble" or "accidentally found") is not very popular due to the weak advertising. It is a commercial search service web-pages, combining the principles of P2P and social network with blogging on the principle of a single click.

Free toolbar for the web browser provided by the system automates the collection, distribution and review of web content within the informal social structure, gives users a way to view, like switching TV channels. The possibility of real earnings makes the network StumbleUpon popular. --17D- 


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