A week before Novruz prices on food markets Baku increased. There is even a depreciating item (cabbages, carrots, some other fresh vegetables) . This certificate is not stability or deflation, and total imports of bureaucratic control and pricing mechanisms on the background of a new trend - all year round food basket more expensive, partly coming cheaper before the New Year and Spring Festival .
Even imported spices have not risen in the Green Market and the 8th Kilometer Market. To prepare the rice pilaf need long (preferably Indian or Pakistani) - 1.8 to 5.5 manat, butter - from 7 to 8.5 manats per 1 kg. Onions are worth 60-90 kopecks, raisins - 1.8 manats per 300 gr., chestnuts, dried apricots and prunes, and lamb - 10 manats. Some people prefer beef (of unknown origin - 7-7.5, skinned before your eyes - 8.5 manats, broiler chicken - 3.2 , farm chicken - 4.5 manats). But not limited to the holiday table, pilaf needs to buy sweets and candies, make up eggs, bake baklava, shekerbura and other baked attributes of spring.
Realistically , market prices are determined by supply and demand . Government at higher rates for excise goods (the last time they were up 30-50% December 3, 2013 ) focuses on this factor , but where is the logic , if in anticipation of the holidays with increasing demand prices are not rising, and on weekdays grow by yeast. For comparison - the local cow's milk 1 manat , imported pasteurized - to 3.5 manats ( $ 4.45 ) per liter , local flour 40-50 kopecks , imported packaged - 0.9-1 manats ( $ 1.3 ) , bananas - 2 3 manats ( $ 2.93 ) , local apples - 0.5-0.7 , import 1.5-2 manats ( $ 2.55 ) and so on. These prices hold in the markets for a long time , as if reflecting the low level of inflation and "stability ." But that benefit only the officials, fiscal and law enforcement agencies , homeowners celebrations, restaurants and cafes , wholesalers , bankers, government agencies and senior officials of the uniformed services , admitted to " afford the consumer ."
With increasing population growth , in particular , the demand and the price of food . Does the quality of imported products increase? Under the conditions of monopolization - no. So the bulk of the population , to facilitate the diet, faces technical varieties of fruits and vegetables , stuffed with GMO with Accreted muscled "overseas " chicken and beef from pasteurized cream, yogurt and other dairy products - "shelf life" of some of them is 6 months to 1 year.
There is also the problem of the minimum consumer basket . The head of state in 2014 defined its average size of 125 manat - 136 working-age population , from 103 - for pensioners and children under 15 years. If we add to this thousands of single people receiving retirement benefits for disability from 40 to 50 manats , it turns out that the president is not the standard of living of its citizens. Low-income citizens as not only eat and drink , but somehow dress , spend money on drugs nominally free education, are forced to go to weddings and funerals of close friends. Therefore not surprising that even expensive food (not to mention clothing and services ) becomes unavailable pleasure and luxury holiday .
Pre- inflated prices indicate that the government has entrusted inflation officials oligarchs , economic in the import and management . According to official data , in 2013 inflation in Azerbaijan allegedly was at 2.4 %. Head of State at the January meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on the results of last year's economic and social development implored the government to keep the rise in prices at this level , if inflation - the phenomenon of formal and statistical mean . In fact, the only increase in tariffs in December caused a rise in prices at the end of last year an average of 20 % - even non-food items rose , imported six months ago.
The President shall issue decrees and orders populist increase of salaries, pensions , allowances, scholarships and other personal benefits , provoking another round of price increases , resulting in a premium eaten away with a vengeance. Interestingly, the surge decrees " from his master's shoulder" occurs not at the municipal and parliamentary and presidential elections .
It makes no sense to talk about a stable macroeconomic situation in the country on the basis of the State Statistics Committee of fiction , especially as the Central Bank of Azerbaijan in the results of monitoring reports is not about the general and core inflation , resulting in the single digits voiced be confirmed by the president and confirmed by government statistics.
While foreign trade and fiscal activities in the country , as well as the price mechanism is not regulated by law, and voluntarism physical intervention of high officials , prices will rise . Consumers not happy because in the short run-up to the holidays and stabilize the cost of goods falls even partially - in fact come a long routine.
The Government will perform March 14 in the Parliament ( so accepted ) with a report on the socio- economic development in the past year . There will be said about the growth of the share of non-oil sector , the diversification of the economy. It is recommended that deputies and the Premiere should look in the mirror. Which of their clothes are produced by local factories? Where are most of them treated? Where do their children get higher and even secondary education? There is a lot of questions. Will there be an adequate response? - 17D-
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