Schroeder: The crisis in the Crimea should be solved within the territorial integrity of Ukraine
Azerbaijan and Germany are strong economic partners and Baku has established itself as an important partner in the energy supply of Europe , being the seventh importer of hydrocarbons into Germany.
Germany , for its part , is a reliable partner of Azerbaijan , said the former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder , speaking on March 13 in Baku before representatives of political and business circles of Azerbaijan , the diplomatic corps and foreign companies.
According to Schroeder , in recent years the trade turnover between the two countries exceeded $ 2 billion and has the potential to increase trade and economic relations many times.
Schroeder named "very good" the political relations between the two countries, adding that these relations were "historically" were friendly. Back in the early 20th century in Azerbaijan Swabians settled and founded the German settlements Elenendorf (Geygel) and Annenfeld (Shamkir), and lived in peace and friendship with the local population. Germans were represented in the parliament of Azerbaijan People's Republic in 1918-20, Schroeder recalled.
Concerning the role of Azerbaijan in the European energy supply, he said that in the next decade Europe's need for traditional energy sources will grow.
Therefore, he welcomed the decision to implement the project Shah Deniz-2 and the Southern Gas Corridor , which will strengthen energy cooperation between Azerbaijan and Europe.
Schroeder noted Azerbaijan's contribution to the dialogue among civilizations, noting the successful model of Azerbaijan in terms of multiculturalism.
Next Schroeder focused on the situation around Ukraine. The reason for the dramatic events in the country was " erroneous position of containment of the aspirations of citizens to the Euro and the integration dilemma : either an association with the EU , or with Russia. Such statements split the country, destroying its economy, " said Schroeder.
Referring to the situation around the Crimea, ex-chancellor urged the parties involved to avoid confrontation . Finding ways to settlement must be based on the principle of territorial integrity of Ukraine and protect the interests of Russian and Crimean Tatar population , he said.
According to Schroeder , the dialogue to resolve the situation in Crimea should be conducted under the leading role of the OSCE.
However, Schroeder stressed that the European perspective for Ukraine will then be successful if it is to have good relations not only with the EU but also with Russia.
According to Schroeder, Europe should engage in dialogue with Russia about its association with the EU.
"The EU should be interested in Russia as a reliable and stable partner in its eastern borders," said Schroeder.
In his view, Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union lost its superpower status and is now looking for its place in the world, and cannot decide where to go - to Europe or Asia.
Therefore, the EU should be interested in a partnership with Russia. Moscow showed solidarity with the West in matters with Afghanistan and Iran.
Schroeder believes that the interests of Russia are to conform to the modernization and convergence of its economic and legal systems with the EU.
Referring to the problems of the EU and the economic crisis, Schroeder sees solutions in conducting tougher overall fiscal policy and the establishment of common rules on competition .
Overall, he called for closer political integration and federalization of the EU and delegation of authorities to the center. "Only with strong European institutions, the EU can turn into a genuine union. Such a Europe can better withstand global challenges," he said .
Schroeder also sees Turkey in the ranks of the EU, as Turkey is a reliable ally of NATO in Europe , although it is "a long process" requiring patience on both sides.
For his one-hour performance Schroeder did not touch the Karabakh conflict, as well as issues of democracy and human rights.
Schroeder's speech was organized by the German- Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce created in 2012.
Chambers like this operate in more than 80 countries.
The trade turnover between Azerbaijan and Germany in 2013 amounted to 3.1 billion euros, or 32 percent more than in 2012. This is the highest growth rate in the trade and economic relations of Germany with the CIS countries. -06C-
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