Production of iodine decreased

Within four months of this year, Azerbaijan produced 49.3 tons of iodine, which is 42.5 % less than in the same period of 2013. The trend decline in production was due to the dynamics of world prices for small-crystal iodine (with a minimum of 90% and 99.5% of the base material), where the major players are Chile and Japan.

Producer of iodine in Azerbaijan is LLC Azer-Yod (a subsidiary of ISR Holding). The company operates on the basis of the restructured company in former Neftchala Yod-Brom, which was privatized in 2005 by the investment competition. It is considered the largest reserves of iodine in Europe. In 2013, the company produced 293 tons of iodine, increasing production capacity by 3.6 % (the data from State Statistics).

In 2015, full repayment of the loan borrowed by LLC Azer-Yod from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in December 2008 is expected. The loan of $ 15 million was allocated for a period of 5 years and later it was extended for another two years.

The total cost of the project of modernization of the plant was more than $ 20 million, LLC Azer-Yod representative Farhad Sattarov told Turan. EBRD loans were used to modernize and increase the capacity of the plant to 500 tons per year. Now the capacity of the plant is less than 350 metric tons per year. The main importers of these products are China and India. The global production of iodine was estimated at about 28,000 tons (in 2007). - 08B-

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