State Statistics Committee on Implementation of State Budget in January-October

The State Statistics Committee said that as of 1 November the state budget revenues amounted to 13 billion 874.1 million manats (minus 12.1% to the first 10 months last year).

Excluding the non-published transfers from the State Oil Fund, the income tax to the treasury was 1 billion 927.8 million manats (minus 10.1%), VAT - 2 billion 654.7 million AZN (+5.7%), income tax - 895.6 million manats (+ 13.3%), and excise tax - 535.8 million manats (minus 22.1%).

State budget expenditures amounted to 13 billion 925.3 million manats (+0.5%). The development of the economy was spent 5 billion 428.6 million manats (minus 6.8%), social protection and support - 1 billion 596.4 million manats (minus 1.9%), education - 1 billion 114 million manats (+4.9%). The general state expenditure was 1 billion 317.2 million manats (+ 18.9%), the law enforcement and judicial authorities - 839.8 million manats (+ 1.2%), health care - 514.9 million manats (+ 2.6%) and so on.

This budget deficit was at 51.2 million manats with anticipation of growth in the last two months of the year.

Recall, the state budget revenues for this year were approved at the level of 19 billion 438 million manats, and the expenses - 21 billion 100 million manats with a deficit of 1 billion 662 million manats or 2.8% of GDP. The Finance Ministry expects 17 billion 80 million manats as income and 17 billion 730 million manat as expenses with a deficit of 650 million AZN or 1.1% of GDP. --17D-

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