Statistics Released on Privatization by January 1, 2013

State Committee on Property (SCP) published data on the privatization of state assets, as of 1st January 2013. According to these data, the number of privatized small businesses, facilities, vehicles and equipment is up to 45 thousand units.

In 2012, SCP privatized 858 objects of small privatization, and thus, the number of privatized enterprises amounted to 44 811. Last year it sold 620 plots of land under privatized and private facilities. Just by the beginning of January 5154 land plots were privatized.

In the course of the 121 check auctions completed by 2011, there were sold from 55% to 70% of the shares in 1455 JSC. At over 700 cash auctions there were sold from 30% to 45% of the shares in 1216 JSC by 2013.

As a result of the investment programs investors obtained the right to stocks and shares in 82 companies, including four in 2012.

By the beginning of this year, rented were 4118 state facilities, on 1141 of which the agreements were concluded in 2012. 1070 land plots under privatized enterprises and facilities are used on lease, too. About half of the contracts (503) on these sites were made in 2012. - 08D-


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