There Is Much to Learn from Asian IT Companies

Azerbaijan attaches great importance to cooperation in the field of communication and information technologies with the countries of Asia.

As the site says the line ministry (, attended by Minister Ali Abbasov Asian regional summit of the World Economic Forum (10-13 September in the Chinese city of Tianjin), is proof of that.

"The summit discusses new technologies, introduction of scientific and technical achievements in economy, innovative entrepreneurship, expanding ICT impact of innovative technology on the economy and the role of governments in these areas," - says the statement.

Participation in this event will help to demonstrate the achievements made over recent years in Azerbaijan in the information and communication technologies, including support and will contribute to the realization of international projects - TASIM (TASIM), coordinated by the Azerbaijan EPEG.

The summit will also expand opportunities for mutual partnerships with ICT companies world level. - 17D-


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