Three companies close to the oligarchy joined the process of liquidation

Three companies in one way or another associated with a person close to the oligarchy announced their liquidation. Ads for liquidation of companies "Balitor", "Avion" and "Petrol-Servis"  was published in the newspaper "Vergiler", the official organ of the Ministry of Taxes.

Directors of all three companies is one and the same person - Sadig Aliyev. The first two are located at the address: Baku, st. Suleyman Rustam, 9. According to the state registry of commercial entities, the founder of LLC "Balitor" is OOO "Solos". Both were established in 2010 when the state register of commercial legal entities has been open to the public. However, the name of the founder (s) LLC "Solos" was not publicized. But the director was Ashraf Kamilov, now controls at least two holding companies (Akkord Corporation and Synergy Group). He also has a stake in the OJSC "AtaBank", "Bank VTB (Azerbaijcan)" and others companies. Position of the Director of "Solos" is now vacant.

A. Kamilov at a certain time worked in the Ministry of Taxes.

The founder of the company "Avion" in 2009 acted Sayid Aliyev, who also worked in the Ministry of Taxes and has a business relationship with A. Kamilov.

 Nothing is known about the activity of  companies "Balitor" and  "Avion". Another company (LLC "Petrol-Servis") in 2012, has won the tender of the Ministry of Taxes  for  printing products. The contract price was 61,792 and 71  gepik. --08B--

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