Today is World Telecommunication and Information Society Day

Today is World Telecommunication and Information Society Day. On this occasion, Dr Hamadoun I. Toure, Secretary-General of the United Nations Telecommunication Union, delivered a message to the international community ( following the conference "ICT and improving the safety of road the movement."

According to the document, ICTs play a catalytic role in creating opportunities for people from all walks of life. On the basis of its relevance, we are offering the almost unabridged text.

"We are due to ICT, going out in my car, we can communicate around the world to lead the way in heavy traffic, find your way in unfamiliar areas, and all of this with the tools at hand. At the same time our services are numerous entertainment options - music, radio, television or social network. ICTs are rampant, so we have to use them responsibly and with caution, especially while driving, in order to avoid accidents and injuries. Road safety is a global problem, the purpose of which - public health and injury prevention. Each year in road accidents killed 1.3 million people, and another 20-50 million people are injured, and most of them are in developing countries. As a result, global economic losses for governments and individuals make up an estimated $ 518 billion.

"Distraction of drivers and road user behavior, such as" Send SMS "and interaction with built-in car navigation systems or communication while driving, are among the main factors leading to the deaths and injuries on the roads. My appeal is obvious: driving a car, do not be distracted by technical means, be it a mobile phone call or set the navigation system. Sending text messages or use Twitter while driving is extremely dangerous and it should be avoided.

At the same time, I call on Member States and industry partners to promote the use of safe interfaces and devices without lifting the handset, as well as measures to address technology-related factors that distract the attention of drivers behind the wheel. Along with the promotion of the implementation of national strategies to promote the use of ICT to improve road safety, we must also promote the development and use of intelligent transport systems.

These measures will not only help prevent accidents, but also improve the efficiency of traffic management, as a means of combat the effects of climate change.

I am pleased to note that the ITU is developing standards for secure user interfaces and communication systems in vehicles designed to optimize the operation of the vehicle by eliminating dangerous distractions factors associated with technical equipment.

ITU also leads a global effort to develop modern ICT standards for intelligent transportation systems and the safety of drivers, which use a set of computers, communications, location technologies and automation, including built-in car radar for collision avoidance.

 The activities under the theme WTISD 2013 "ICT and improving road safety" will be developed in the coming years, in partnership with the sector of automotive and automobile associations around the world under the banner of the FIA ??- International Automobile Association, with which we will work closely together to solve this one the most pressing global challenges of our time.

I urge you to celebrate this year's World Telecommunication and Information Society, paying particular attention to improving road safety through the use of the power of ICT. "

Dr Hamadoun I. Toure, Secretary-General

World Telecommunication Day is celebrated since 1969 (formerly known as "The International Telecommunication Day"). Date dedicated to the creation in Paris May 17, 1865 the International Telegraph Union, which in 1932 became known as the International Telecommunications Union. The modern name of holiday has acquired through the UN General Assembly resolution adopted in 2006.

Today is a celebration of not only the telegraph, but editors Internet, web designers, system administrators, programmers and other professionals, whose "bread" is associated with information technology. - 17D-


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