The total turnover of transactions on all instruments at Baku Stock Exchange (BSE) in January-May of this year amounted to 2 billion 497 million 757.16 million manat, which is 47.5% less than it was in the corresponding period of the previous year.
According to the BSE, the share of government securities in the reporting period accounted for 88% of all transactions or 2.21 billion.
Reduce the volume of exchange sales partially obstructed (1,822 transactions) transactions in the corporate sector, which grew by 3.1 times and amounted to 29.22 million 291 thousand manats. The government securities market (262 operations) dipped 52.75%.
In the primary market, the volume of accommodation of Treasury bonds amounted to 28 million 538.24 thousand manats (in the same period last year, the deployments were not), the secondary market - 8 million 433.88 thousand manats (an increase of 6.3 times.)
Short-term notes of Central Bank stood at 164 million 947.43 thousand manats (- 67.93%), in the secondary market - AZN 43,955.61 thsd (an increase of 5.3 times). Operation Repo - 1 billion 960 million 852.78 thousand manats (decline of 52.7%).
The volume of placement of corporate bonds in January - May 2013 in the primary market was 57 million 167.84 thsd manat (2.2-fold increase) in the secondary market - AZN 75,199.06 thsd (an increase of 2 1 times).
In the reporting period on the exchange platform implemented placement of shares worth 154 million 70.59 thsd manat (5.2-fold increase) in the secondary market - AZN 4, 591.73 thsd (an increase of 70.51%) . - 17D-
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