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The State Statistics Committee shared with the Azerbaijani public interesting information about the death rate of the population. This is a gender imbalance in this area. According to the department, last year in the country for various reasons died 58179 people, of which 30968 - men, 27211 - women.
In 2015, the number of people who died was 54697 people, including 29130 men and 25567 women. In 2014, these figures were 55,648, 29,655 and 25,993 respectively. In 2013, of the 54,383 deaths, 29,096 were men and 25,287 were women.
Last year, 1531 people died at the age of 15-19. 1044 of them are men, 487 are women.
Mortality among men and women
Thus, there is an increase in the overall mortality rate, as well as dynamics in the structure of mortality. The comparative analysis of the data for the previous several years showed that among men, the proportion of the deceased in working age is approximately 47.7%, younger than the working age - about 2.2%, over 50% of the able-bodied age. The structure of the mortality rate of women differs from the data of the opposite sex: the proportion of women who died in working age is 23.4%, younger than working age - 1.2%, over working age - 75.4%.
Mortality on work ability categories among men and women (in %)
There is one more interesting detail: in men, a marked increase in the age-specific mortality rates has been observed since the age of 42, in women much later - from 60 years, which explains the great difference in the average life expectancy of men and women. Of the total number of deceased people of working age, almost 80% are men.
The problem of high mortality of the population has both medical and socio-economic components.
Azad Hajiyev, deputy director of the Institute of Cardiology, told Turan that if in the structure of mortality for reasons of women the diseases of the circulatory system are on the first place, neoplasms in the second place, endocrinology diseases on the third, then for men, external factors should be added to this list - suicide, transport accidents, murders, the war in Karabakh, accidental alcohol poisoning.
"Of course, mostly men's health is undermined by illness. On the one hand, vascular, the cause of which smoking (we have about 50% of the male population smokes), urological, among which the most common is prostate cancer. These diseases not only shorten life, but also significantly reduce its quality. In addition, men"s reaction to failures and problems is quite different. Proceeding from this situation, it can be noted that today the problem of men's health is topical," Hajiyev said.
According to the expert-economist Samir Aliyev, the main reason should be sought in a sharp, dramatic change in the economic and social situation in Azerbaijan and in the crisis-related upheavals experienced by our citizens. Production in the country fell by 5.8%, banks closed, prices compared to 2015 increased by 14%! At the same time, every third able-bodied person lost his job. All this led to stress, depression, heart attacks and strokes among men, because they very hardly react to changes in their social status and financial situation. Another no less important point is the inaccessibility of quality medical services, which also leads to premature deaths.
Because of the decline in incomes, people cannot turn to specialists in a timely manner, and receive qualified assistance. In addition, in the vast majority of people cannot afford to relax at the resorts, improve their health. In the country, the fight against smoking and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle is at a low level.
Where can we find solutions to this problem? Can open men's counseling? Or take a national program for the protection of men's health, as was done several years ago in Austria, where a whole program for the prevention, detection and treatment of male diseases, in particular prostate cancer, is being implemented? Or come up with something else? The increase in mortality among men cannot be fully attributed to genetics, the physiological characteristics of the organism, the stressfulness of women, etc. To reduce health risks, targeted programs are needed to prevent smoking, obesity, and improve social conditions aimed at reducing morbidity and premature mortality in the country.-0--
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