Non-banking credit organisation "Azfinans" earned paltry profit last year

Non-banking credit organisation "Azfinans" earned paltry profit last year

The NBCO "Azfinans" has published its financial indices for 2023.

Last year the credit organisation earned a net profit of only AZN 2,000 (the previous year it finished with a loss of AZN 3,000).

Recall that "Azfinans" assets at the beginning of this year were 4% more than at the beginning of last year - AZN 389,000, including the loan portfolio 16.6% more - AZN 373,000. At that, NBCO's liabilities amounted to AZN 88,000 (14.3% more), the balance sheet capital - AZN 301,000 (1.3% more), including the authorized capital - AZN 300,000 (unchanged).

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