Professor Sinan Atəşin dəfin  mərasimi. IHA-video

Professor Sinan Atəşin dəfin mərasimi. IHA-video

About 40 hours before the end of 2022, the killing of an important person (also, a scientist) of the Nationalist Movement Party, a minor ally of the power, before January 1, brought with it a lot of serious doubts. The statement made by the spokesperson of the ruling party 3 days after the incident was the same as the words of Ali Hasanov, nicknamed Maho Agha, who kept the important part of the Azerbaijani media under his paw for 25 years: In March 2005, when the world-class journalist-writer Elmar Huseynov was murdered, Maho Agha, who visited the farewell ceremony, gave his fatwa: "This event should not be used for political purposes". According to allegations, President Erdoğan called the wife of Sinan Ateş, who was murdered on December 30, and said that everything necessary will be done to solve the case. MHP leader Bahçeli, who did not comment on the killing of an important figure of Turkish nationalism until January 3, raised the anxious atmosphere by reminding them that they are closely watching those who raised the issue of death.

Opposition parties and writers in the independent media put pressure on the government to clarify the murder case. While the main opposition party was preparing its own investigative report on the incident, Ahmet Davutoğlu, the chairman of the Future Party (former Prime Minister), brought up such a scary question as "I wonder if there are preparations for political murders on the streets?!"

The "deadly statement" of the Nationalist Movement Party came from Professor Semih Yalçın, the spokesperson of the party's "policy of hanging and beheading": "When the time comes, Hazrat Ali's sword will be Zulfiqar, we will cut the poisonous tongue of the evil group and break the neck of the provocateurs." Look, on the eve of the elections that will be held in 5.5 months at the latest, the most frightening scenario for Turkey will be the introduction of this "breaking the neck" issue into circulation.

Can you imagine, two years before the end of the first quarter of the 21st century, the professor-spokesman of a political institution with a history of 58 years is talking about "breaking the neck"? Given this situation, what could be the purpose of the Nationalist Movement Party's return to the jargon of the 1970s?

If this party has been acting as a minor ally of the power in Turkey for about 6 years, does it bring up the issue of "breaking the neck" after consulting and agreeing with the small ally of the power? Or is the big ally Mr. Erdoğan and the bigger ally AKP unaware of the introduction of such a dangerous jargon? It is known that this jargon will not be able to consolidate MHP supporters on the way to the election, what will AKP gain from this? Here is the key point.

Columnists and opposition politicians have clarified the scenario and execution of the murder case and say that the address is not a secret anymore. After adding long-term political observations to the facts and comments, it is possible to make these estimates:

  • 1. The killing of a person who has a high influence on the nationalist class aims to prevent resignations on the eve of the election through fear-mongering;
  • 2. The perpetrators also send messages to several places at the same time indicating that they may return to their past activities;
  • 3. If the plans for conflict on ethnic grounds are not realized, the killing of an important person from within the nationalist class can create a foundation for new upheavals;
  • 4. If the December 30 murder, as Ahmet Davutoglu claims, opens the door to new murders, will it be possible to go to the next election in the chaos that will arise?

No matter how hair-raising the last guess is, it would not be right to rule it out completely.

The Republic of Turkey is heading for the most critical election in the history of its 77-year-old multi-party system. AKP leader and head of state Erdoğan is also preparing to “kick up a row in the election places” at a time when the state he founded is facing the biggest problems from the economic point of view.

Also, there is not much time for “thundering election places with a loud noise” by the opposition, which planned to announce its candidate within this month. We will be able to see in 2-3 months how illegal money coming from Russia will be a cure for the problem when the Central Bank of Qatar is working as if it were the International Monetary Fund for the ruling party. It will not be a surprise to see that the fate of the Republic will turn in a completely different direction if this election is held and the AKP wins the election again.

Never think that Mr. Erdoğan, who has progressed step by step towards his ideal throughout his half-century political life, has given up on that ideal.

What if the predictions that victory in the election is not a “bird in the hand” become stronger?...

It is not for nothing that the murder incident on December 30 does not give the shivers...

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