As the search for money in the Gulf resulted in the creation of Azerbaijan-style High-Level Strategic Cooperation Councils, the hopes of direct investment also fell into the water. Everyone knows that investment by the Gulf in Turkey is not in the form of direct investment but in the form of hot money and does not fit into the financial system. According to the agreement signed with the United Arab Emirates, it is planned to increase the mutual trade turnover to 40 billion dollars in 5 years.

After returning from the Gulf, the Central Bank's next interest rate hike was to chase its own tail. Investors expecting interest rate increases at home and abroad are not satisfied with these gradual increases, and it is also impossible to prevent the devaluation of the Turkish lira.

The management form of the Turkish economy, which has been experiencing a crisis for exactly 5 years, continues to be surprising. So, while the police force raiding warehouses searching for “hidden onions” under the pretext of not having enough onions in the market 5 years ago, now the government, unable to prevent rents from rising to an astronomical level, is preparing to prevent the increase in rents by adopting new laws.

Although the government, which has put all the cards on the table in search of money, has repeatedly brought up the issue of membership of the European Union directly from the mouth of the head of state Erdoğan, Brussels' attitude towards it is firm and sharp: In the current situation, there is no question of restarting the negotiations and re-opening the paragraphs for discussion. The issue has long gone beyond the borders of the Council of Europe, of which Turkey is a founding member (I salute Mevlüt Bey, who was brought back as the head of the Turkish delegation to PACE after being the PACE chairman and foreign minister for 9 years). The Cabinet of Ministers of the European Union demands the immediate release of several persons, including the former co-chairman of the pro-Kurdish party, and has given time to Ankara until September to do so. If the demand is not met, heavy sanctions will follow. What could be the reason behind Ankara's insistence on bringing up the issue of membership in the European Union, which has regularly described the decisions of the European Parliament as "pieces of paper" in the last 5 years, other than the urgent search for money for the economy in a tragic situation?

Look, despite the agreement with Russia within the framework of this search for money, it should not be considered a coincidence that the words "NATO membership is Ukraine's right" came directly from the mouth of the head of state Erdoğan, not only by handing over the "Azov commanders" to Kyiv, and aims to make the infrastructure of money searches stronger.

Although it is natural for Moscow to react harshly to these processes, King Vladimir tries to soften the situation by giving instructions to send helicopters to forest fires in Turkey. However, even though Mr. Erdoğan claims that his Russian counterpart will come to Ankara, the Kremlin has not yet confirmed this claim.

Will the invoice showing such an open position against Moscow by Ankara, which gave the green light to Sweden's NATO membership, be made out for Moscow? Or will Vladimir Putin ask his close friend the reason for the statements he never expected?

Despite sending warm messages to Assad to reconcile with Syria, he received a response from the owner of that country in the form of "Leave our lands". Without a doubt, the influence of Hafez al-Assad’s son from Moscow is great. If Turkey really wants to reconcile with Syria, since it cannot do so without Moscow, how will it prefer to establish the next phase of its relations with its northern neighbor? In the hottest period of money search, if Vladimir Putin says "Cotton hands to pockets" for the natural gas payments he postponed before the election, how will Ankara respond? In this case, in your opinion, how and to what extent can Ankara support Baku (of course, if Baku demands it) for the withdrawal of the Russian army located in the heart of Azerbaijan's territory under the agreement signed on November 10, 2020? It is not difficult to guess that the characteristics of the next stage of Turkish-Russian relations will be formed according to the situation of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

"The goal of imperialism was to take Eastern Anatolia from us and give it to the Armenians, and Western Anatolia to the Greeks, I prevented it" (Mustafa Kemal Atatürk).

Today is the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Lausanne, which ensured that the Anatolian lands remained under the rule of the Turks.

Despite being one of the shining examples of cleaning the homeland from invaders to the last inch, the Republic of Turkey is entering the second century of its creation with very serious economic problems...

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