Photo: Capture of Northern Cyprus (1974)

Photo: Capture of Northern Cyprus (1974)

A letter of acting US Defense Minister Patrick M. Shanahan of June 6 this year to Gen. Hulusi Akar, Turkish Defense, has been characterized as "a latter of Johnson".

Experts insist that the letter is full of threats, insults and blackmail and that Ankara was recommended to decline from purchase of Russian missiles С-400 and openly declared that otherwise sanctions will be applied against Turkey in many fields, from military technologies to financial affairs. In other words, the latter was an open ultimatum.

It should be reminded that in his letter to Prime Minister Ismet Inenyu dated June 5, 1964 President L. B. Johnson roughly denaded from Turkey "to decline from military operation in Cyprus". Experienced as Foreign Minister, President and a leader of the main opposition, Ismet Inenyu replied Johnson in the same manner:: "A new world is being created, and Turkey is sure to secure its own place".

It should be added that the Shanahan"s letter was addressed not to the President but to the Defense Minister of Turkey well-known to Pentagon. That"s why in the matter of addresses both of a sender and a receiver the Shanahan"s letter cannot be regarded as a document commensurate with the Johnson"s letter.

Another difference is that a 55-years old letter focuses on refusal not from operations of key importance for the United States (the point is about the influential Greek activity in this country) but on purchase of anti-missile arms from the non-allied country. Also, the document refers to possible sanctions Turkey has repeatedly faced with since the 1970s, including for poppy sowing; for activities of the organization "Peacekeeping Forces in Cyprus", etc.

On June 18, the Defense Ministry published a report on a message of response of Turkey"s Defense Minister Hulusi Akar to Pentagon. The report says that the Minister"s message to Pentagon "informed Pentagon about his concern over a style and a manner about the letter of June 6 which is inconsistent with the spirit of alliiance," and stressed "the necessity of continuing a dialogue based on mutual respect".

Worthy of attention is the fact that the Akar"s message put forward questions of "style and approach" that caused concern of Ankara. And the point is not about a statement like "A new world is being created ...".

What does it mean? Is Ankara"s call "towards friendship and allied style" able to make Pentagon change its rhetoric?

If Yes, will the White House, Pentagon and Congress decline from total attacks against Turker and cease objecting Turkey"s purchase of С-400?

But if this is insufficient, will Washington make its rhetoric tougher and go beyond the framework of "friendship and allied relations"?

It is worth reminding that approx. 2 months ago we asked and repeat now: Is Ankara ready and capable today of giving rebuffs to Washington and clearly declare: "A new world is being created, and Turkey is sure to secure its own place"?

One must bear in mind that today"s geostrategy and geopolicy are more favorable than it had been 55 years ago on conditions that the country has to weigh the pros and cons and take faultless steps on this track ...

It has to be kept in mind that Ismet Inenyu is a politician most criticized by Rajep Tayip Erdogan over the past 20 years.

Will Erdogan be able to give "Inenyu"s rebuff" to Washington and thus prove his justifiability?

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