Министр иностранных дел Эстонии Урмас Рейнсалу проводит совместную пресс-конференцию со своим финским коллегой во время визита в Хельсинки 17 августа 2022 года. Рейнсалу ответил на заявление России о том, что Эстония укрывает человека, которого Москва обвиняет в причастности к убийству Дарьи Дугиной.
newsweek.com: Estonia has hit back at Russia's claim that the Baltic country is harboring an individual that Moscow has accused of being involved in the killing of Daria Dugina.
The attempts by Russia's FSB security services to link the death of Dugina—daughter of Alexander Dugin, an influential ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin—to Estonia are a "provocation," Urmas Reinsalu, Estonia's foreign minister, told local TV.
Dugina was killed in a car bombing on the outskirts of Moscow on Saturday. On Monday, the FSB, after a brief investigation, claimed that a female Ukrainian citizen was involved in Dugina's killing and fled to Estonia on Sunday.
"We regard this as one instance of provocation in a very long line of provocations by the Russian Federation, and we have nothing more to say about it at the moment," Reinsalu told local TV station ERR.
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