Bülent Arınç. sozcu.com.tr

Bülent Arınç. sozcu.com.tr

After Nejmettin Erbakan, the most colorful figure in Turkish politics, without a doubt, is Bulent Arynch. He has represented the conservative wing in parliament for 20 years, and although he refused to become a deputy in 2015, he remains the only politician who always has the highest rating among supporters of the Justice and Development Party (AKP). After a clear decline in the prestige of the AKP, Tayyip Erdogan took a number of steps to prevent his further decline. One of these measures is to bring some politicians with a good reputation and high positions in the past closer to them.

Therefore, the speakers of the parliament of the AKP board became members of the Supreme Advisory Council created under the president. However, although Bulent Arynch, Köksal Toptan, Mehmet Ali Shahin, Cemil Cicek and Ismail Kahraman were invited to this position at the palace with a salary of $ 3.5 thousand per month, only one Mehmet Ali Shahin stood up to defend President Erdogan, while the rest were silent as if typing water in his mouth.

Despite Bulent Arynch is extremely eloquent, his statements often do not fit with the policies pursued by Erdogan (the name Arynch (from the Turkish "arınmak" means "improve" - Ed.). The last time this happened was when B. Arynch called on the ruling AKP and the country's courts to comply with the laws. The fact is that due to tweets 6.5 years ago, the Serious Crimes Court sentenced the chair of the Istanbul regional organization of the main opposition Republican People"s Party (RNP) Janan Kaftancioglu to 9.5 years in prison.

When such a punishment caused serious debate in a society that is bifurcated and sharply polarized, a member of the Supreme Advisory Council under the President (and above all, the founder of the AKP) Bulent Arynch unexpectedly or perhaps expectedly reacted to this thus: "I cannot say whether the sentence is good or bad. You may not like Kaftancioglu. After the victory in the elections (referring to the elections to the municipality of Istanbul - M. A.), she was declared a hero. I do not agree with any of her messages. However, we must respect freedom of speech and expression and be tolerant. "

When B.Arynch, not satisfied with this, declared that one of the elders of the pro-Kurdish policy, Ahmet Turk was not and could not be a "terrorist," the presidential palace could not stand the words of his senior adviser: "The words of Arynch express his own position and have nothing in common with the presidential administration," said Ibrahim Kalyn, a spokesperson. After that, a scandal between Bulent Arynch and the deputy chair of the parliamentary faction of the AKP Bulent Turan continues. These verbal battles take place in those days when the competent authorities of the ruling party excluded its ex-chairman and former prime minister from their ranks, when Ahmet Davutoglu and his group left the party without waiting for exclusion.

All this raises many questions, including:

1) Why Bulent Arynch - one of the 4 main founders of the AKP, ex-speaker of the parliament, former deputy prime minister, chairman of the Supreme Advisory Council under the president - right now defended the rights of Canan Kaftancioglu and Ahmet Turk, in general, law and reminded the authorities of Erdogan and the courts of "justice"? But not so long ago, about 10 years ago, Arynch himself as a politician was known, first of all, for his disrespect for rights and the law, countless examples of which were included in the anthology of Turkish politics. For what reason he has suddenly remembered the words the "right", the "law"?

2) Could President Erdogan make a mistake by bringing his old comrade-in-arms Bulent Arynch, who exchanged the 8th dozen, to himself?

3) Can Bulent Arynch be the "Trojan horse" of political groups and groups excluded, voluntarily quitting, and preparing to leave the AKP?

4) Or, an experienced commentator of the "Cumhuriyet" newspaper Orkhan Bursaly, B. Arynch, "reminding the AKP about the law", warning the party, whose founder is "about the need to return to its normal course," is trying to prevent chaos?

In fact, do not rush to look for answers to these questions. Because, firstly, Arynch"s appeal to the authorities as one of the people closest to the president about the "right" should be regarded positively. Secondly, if, after reminding Arynch, the authorities finally announce the "Judicial Reform Package", which they promised to implement a long time ago and will end up with something encouraging, this will enrich his piggy bank as a positive.

Therefore, if we leave this event and turn to the warning of Siyavush Novruzov, made "accumulated billions and escaped", then, as an addition to the words of Arynch, this will highlight a very deep meaning. If I had not touched Novruzov"s words, this article would have remained incomplete: "Each saved up a billion and, having run away, hid ... You have provided for all your kind and your offspring. Come out ... Express your position or other steps will be taken. If you do not leave, we will pull you out. Then your situation will be even worse ..."

The tactics of firing volley fire of the two politicians of "One Nation, Two States" are the same: in Turkey, this is called a "hard hit", and Bulent Bey and Novruzov skillfully used this tactic. However, the main thing is at what goal this strike is aimed at.

B.Arynch demands observance of rights, the law. Novruzov says "Come out!" to those who, "have accumulated ... billions, and hid". Naturally, according to different lost values ​​the requirements also will be different. In any case, it is necessary to congratulate both politicians who dealt a "hard blow".

I respected them ...

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