The Russian security forces, who detained the terrorists and cut off the ear of one of them, are not only not ashamed of their actions, but also put up for sale the knife that was used to cut off the Tajik’s ear.

They promise to deal with terrorists as Putin ordered - to torture and kill. For the bloody knife used to cut off the ear of an alleged terrorist of Tajik nationality, they are already giving 300 thousand. They want 10 million. Will the Tajik diaspora endure?

In turn, US intelligence agencies report that the ISIS unit Vilayat Khorasan or ISIS-K, a cell of the terrorist group in Afghanistan, was involved in the terrorist attack. It consists of ethnic minorities in Afghanistan, including Tajiks.

At the beginning of 2024, Vilayat Khorasan carried out a terrorist attack in Istanbul - shooters broke into the Catholic Church of St. Mary. According to Turkish intelligence services, the co-organizer of the terrorist attack was a citizen of Tajikistan and, probably, the Russian Federation, Abdullo Buriev, a member of the Tajik Vilayat Khorasan cell. He smuggled a car with Polish license plates for the militants and soon flew to Russia.

“Important Stories” checked the available leak databases and found among residents of Russia and people visiting the Russian Federation more than 20 people with the name Abdullo or Abdulla Buriev. One of them even served in the Russian Armed Forces under a contract. But information about none of them allows us to say with absolute certainty that this is the same militant Abdullo Buriev.

* * *

The Arab agency Amaq, affiliated with ISIS, published a video made by the terrorists themselves during the attack on Crocus city on 22 March. The terrorists speak Arabic and do not look at all like those Tajiks whom the FSB cuts the ears of and forces to confess to killing people.

The real terrorists are tall and physically strong people who shoot and slaughter people in cold blood and film everything on video.

As for the "terrorist" detained by the Russıan  FSB in the forest, this Tajik does not understand what they want from him. Similarly, the other detainees under interrogation do not say that they went to Crocus and killed people there.  Only one of them said that a certain «preacher Abdullo» told them to go and kill the infidels. At the same time, there is not a word about where the weapons came from, how they planned and carried out the attack and how they left the scene of the crime.

To all appearances, the detained Tajiks may have been affiliated with some radical group, but the real terrorists are completely different people.  This is confirmed by the fact that initially the FSB accused completely innocent citizens of Tajik nationality of committing the terrorist act. 

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