ВСУ готовятся деоккупировать захваченные территории / фото УНИАН

ВСУ готовятся деоккупировать захваченные территории / фото УНИАН

unian: In the near future, acute events will unfold on the entire front.

This is reported by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, referring to the comment of its representative Andrey Yusov on the air of the national telethon.

He noted that the Defense Forces of our state will liberate all the territories occupied by the occupying country, therefore, acute events will unfold on the entire front in the near future.

According to Yusov, during the full-scale offensive, Russia is getting further away from achieving the global goals set by Russian President Putin.

"We see active fighting along the entire contact line. They are not ready to talk about the fact that Russia will withdraw its troops from the territory of Ukraine, but Ukraine will liberate all its territories captured by the enemy. In the near future there will be sharp events on the whole front. We are not talking about binding to some dates. There is a lot of talk about Independence Day now, although this factor should be taken into account," Yusov said.

The representative of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine noted that the military intelligence of Ukraine has long reported that August and September will be extremely important periods for the further development of hostilities on the entire front.

Earlier, the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Alexey Reznikov said that the leadership Russia has currently accumulated 115 battalion-tactical groups for the war against Ukraine. This is up to 135 thousand people, but not all of them are professional military.

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